
This page shows details of everyone in the MQuITE team. The Twitter account for the project is @MQuITE_Ed, and you can contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.

Also check our ‘upcoming presentations’ page to see where we are presenting and come say hello!

Principal investigators

Prof Aileen Kennedy, University of Strathclyde @DrAileenK

Dr Paul Adams, University of Strathclyde @pauladams40

Research associate

Dr Mark Carver, University of Strathclyde @themarkcarver


Dr Anna Beck, University of Strathclyde @anna_d_beck

Dr Kylie Bradfield, University of Stirling @kyliebradfield

Dr Nicola Carse, University of Edinburgh

Dr Robert Doherty, University of Glasgow

Ms Jennifer Ellis, University of the West of Scotland

Mr Andrew Gallacher, Edinburgh Napier University @AndrewGallach8r

Dr Simon Hoult, Queen Margaret University @SimonHoult

Dr Angela Jaap, The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland @gelajaap

Dr David H Johnston, University of Aberdeen

Dr Siân Jones, Queen Margaret University @dr_sian_jones

Ms Carrie McLennan, University of Dundee @mclennancarrie

Dr John Mynott, University of Aberdeen @jpmynott

Dr Kevin Proudfoot, University of Glasgow

Dr Morag Redford, University of the Highlands and Islands

Dr Zoѐ Robertson, University of Edinburgh @DrZoeRob

Dr Rachel Shanks, University of Aberdeen @rshanks

Ms Charlaine Simpson, General Teaching Council for Scotland @GTCS_Charlaine

Mrs Jane Smithson, University of Stirling

Denise Dewar, University of Edinburgh

Linda Bell, University of Strathclyde